FirstBlood-#121 — Reflected XSS via Javascript Scheme
This issue was discovered on FirstBlood v1
On 2021-05-10, smhtahsin33 Level 3 reported:
I Found a Reflected XSS on via the go back to previous url functionality. The Parameter ?ref=
is vulnerable to Open Redirection & Reflected XSS at the same time :)
Steps To Reproduce:
- Visit`xss`;
- Click on the Return to Previous Page Button.
- The javascript will be executed.

Malicious Javascript Injection
P3 Medium
Parameter: ?ref=
Payload: jav%09ascript:confirm`xss`;
FirstBlood ID: 3
Vulnerability Type: Reflective XSS
The parameter "ref" is vulnerable to XSS on login.php. The developer has tried to prevent a malicious actor from redirecting to a javascript URI but the attempt to stop this was poor and thus it can be bypassed.
Creator & Administrator
Nice find again :)