As the title says, are you able to access our private tool, XSS destroyer? It's currently in BETA mode and we aren't accepting new users but if you have access to it, let us know what you think!
There's an info leak somewhere on* can you find it? You'll know when you do!
We've built a super secure login portal to access our diet plan and we'd love your help to make sure we've set it up correctly.
You can login to ManageMyDiet with the following credentials:
We've added...
We know people love to say they've some bounties so simply input your username & bounty amount and then generate your image!
Can you discover how the application works and if there's anything interesting happening? Perhaps there is XSS...
We've created a basic web application called "HackerPhotos" to hightlight some awesome hacker-tagged photography. It is just in BETA and we'd love for you to give it a try and make sure we've not made any mistakes!
You can login...
You are faced with a login panel, but what do you do? Close the tab and find something else? Of course not, you try find what's behind the login page!
Investigate the login page and see if you can find a way to grab the admins session...
This one is pretty simple. One parameter is vulnerable, ?url= . Can you get XSS to execute?
Can you successfully force the admin password to be updated via CSRF? This means you must be on YOUR site and be able to force the data to be updated successfully.
The CSRF token generated is unique to your session so you must be able to...