Learning to hack like zseano
zseano is the creator of BugBountyHunter and has discovered over 1,000+ vulnerabilities across bug bounty programs. He has helped others start in bug bounties for a numerous of years and zseano's methodology is designed to be an easy to follow flow/checklist to help with identifying security vulnerabilities in web applications. Most people when starting in bug bounties will jump from program to program looking for anything they can, however focusing on one program and learing as much as you can about their scope & features will usually result in more bugs being discovered.
The guide contains a complete run-down of how zseano approaches hacking on web applications & how he applies this on bug bounty programs, including how to choose the right programs! From the very start with what he does when choosing a program, all the way to the end of what you should be aiming to automate to aid you in your hunting.